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Majority of Companies Invest in IT Security to Restore Digital Trust


Damovo advises its customers with a holistic “Security & Privacy by Design” approach.

63 percent of companies are investing in cybersecurity measures to create digital trust among customers, employees and partners. However, 33 percent of CIOs are predicted to fail to overcome the consequences of ransomware attacks, cybercrime, scams and other attacks. These are the key findings of IDC’s FutureScape survey of IT decision-makers worldwide.

“The results of this FutureScape clearly show that security concepts must be put to the test and the role of CIOs must be rethought. After all, they have a key role to play in helping their companies recover from the global crisis and prepare for the next wave of cyber-attacks.”

Sonja Berghman, Head of Group Enterprise Networks & Security Propositions at Damovo.

The ICT service provider supports companies in developing and implementing cybersecurity strategies.

Restoring trust in digitalisation

This also includes restoring trust in digitalization among customers, employees and partners. It has suffered particularly as a result of cyber attacks, which have an enormous impact on a company, causing business interruptions, high financial damages, and ultimately loss of reputation. For CIOs, it is a matter of rebuilding and preserving this trust while developing broad-based defence strategies. IT plays a central role in this. Berghman comments:

“We recommend that our clients rethink their existing risk management strategies. We can help them to adapt their security strategy to take into account increased threats and business uncertainty.”

Integrated security approach sustainably effective

As an international ICT service provider, Damovo supports companies in this process with a comprehensive package of measures including security status maturity checks, security roadmap development, penetration testing of existing systems, vulnerability analysis, and the development and implementation of customized security concepts. The aim is to set up a holistic security strategy which includes individual user behavior.

Damovo’s “Security & Privacy by Design” approach ensures that security and privacy policies are considered as an integral part of every solution design. Berghman says,

“A built-in security approach, integrated into the business strategy, is more sustainably effective than a bolt-on one.”